Floating Contraindications
Floating is a risk-free activity that can be practised by persons of any age, regardless of their wealth. However, Floating is not recommended in a number of cases.
The floating bathtub is not recommend to people suffering from severe mental diseases,as sensory deprivation may induce hallucinations.
Likewise,subjects with epilepsy and anyone suffering from incontinence, severe hypotension should avoid it.
In addition, Floating is not recommended to: anyone with cuts or wounds, or clean-shaved, as the high salt concentration in the water may cause a burning sensation.
To women during their menstrual cycle.
To those with freshly dyed hair or using shampoos/dyes that may release colour in the water.

Substances to be avoided before a Floating session
In case of subjects under medication, it is recommended to consult a physician on the appropriateness or potential dangers related to sensory deprivation.
It is recommended not to drink coffee or energy drinks in the 2-3 hours before the treatment, as they could jeopardize the beneficial effects of the session.