If Floating is available, we give you the opportunity to enjoy a free Floating experience in conjunction with the second Atlas correction session in the Atlantomed center in Chiasso.

(total duration 80 minutes)60 Swiss Francs
What is Floating and how it works
The high salt concentration, besides relaxing the muscles, allows the body to effortlessly float in 30cm of water, while the body-temperature salt water eliminates any thermal stimuli.
The special egg-shaped bathtub, 2.70m large and 1.60m wide, creates a sensory deprivation chamber, so that all external stimuli, such as sounds and lights, are excluded; the physical boundaries are thus expanded and you are ready to embark on a new incredible journey. Although the size and capacity of the bathtub are designed to avoid claustrophobia for sensitive subjects, the session can also be held in an open bathtub.

Absence of sensory stimulation leads to a profound psycho-physical relaxation, inducing a state similar to drowsiness, yet deeper. Subjects experience a sensation of peacefulness, detachment from the external world and, occasionally, also from their own body, which can be compared to what can be reached through meditation or yoga.
At the beginning of the Floating session, you will be accompanied by a soft multi-coloured LED lighting and a relaxing music of your choice, both of which will gradually fade out.
After about half an hour of floating in the liquid, deprived of external stimuli and with the musculoskeletal structure freed from the need of maintaining a correct gravitational posture, you will start experiencing the first signs that something unusual is happening to your body. The perception of bodily boundaries generally diminishes until it vanishes completely, so that subjects submerged in the bathtub “forget” the physical constraints imposed by the body, which in some way limits and restricts us.

Towards the end of the session, which lasts 50 minutes, music and lights will gradually come back and lead you to the awakening.

Good reasons to undergo a Floating session
Floating is, first of all, a way to treat yourself and take care of your body and mind, a place where you can hide from the chaos of our life for a while and come into contact with your inner being, a way to detoxify yourself from the burdens of every day life, recover your energy and look at the things you love the most with greater clarity. This is an experience that eventually makes your stronger and enriches your energy and potential.
But there is something else. Floating is highly recommended to all individuals who, due to their work or activities, are highly stressed, such as business people, students, office workers forced into a sedentary life as well as athletes and whoever is particularly subject to stress accumulation.
The Floating session can benefit all persons affected by bone, vertebrae and joints problems, those with acne symptoms or respiratory diseases, such as asthma, sinusitis or allergies.

Customizing the Floating session
The Floating bathtub at the Atlantomed Centre of Chiasso in Switzerland, besides featuring a unique Design, is also among the most advanced and innovative on the market.

The bathtub, in fact, allows for a high degree of customization of the Floating experience; it is equipped with multi-colour LED lights that can be programmed to illuminate the water and the internal walls of the tub with a variety of colours and light patterns.
It is also possible to change the colours and intensity of the lights in the Floating room, also provided by LED technology, as well as in the shower, according to one’s personal taste, in order to obtain an atmosphere of maximum relax since the shower.
The lights of the Floating room will gradually fade out after a few minutes in the tub and come back at the end of the session.
Usually, the tub lights are turned on for the first 5 minutes and then they gradually fade out, allowing you to fully experience sensory deprivation. However, lights can be programmed and left on throughout the session.
For those who are already familiar with the floating experience and feel totally confident and safe, it is possible to turn off the light of the emergency button and set a totally dark environment.
During the session, it is possible to listen to music under water. Just like the lights, you can opt to keep the music on for the entire session or only at the beginning or at the end.